How to Punch Harder: Fists of Stone

Published on 30 March 2023 at 17:45

Punching harder is a skill that can be learned with practice and dedication. There are a few key things that you can do to improve your punching power, including:


Focusing on your technique.

Make sure that you are using proper form and that your punches are coming from the right place.

Strengthening your muscles.

Punching requires a lot of strength, so make sure that you are working out regularly to build up your muscle mass.

Conditioning your hands. Your hands are also important for punching, so make sure that you are conditioning them properly. One way to do this is to put your hands in rice.


Putting Your Hands in Rice to Toughen Them


Putting your hands in rice is a simple way to toughen your hands and make them more resistant to pain. To do this, simply fill a bowl or bucket with rice and submerge your hands in it for several minutes. You can do this several times a day, or even just once a day.


The rice will help to exfoliate your skin and callous your hands. This will make them more resistant to pain and also help to improve your grip.


Benefits of Putting Your Hands in Rice


There are a number of benefits to putting your hands in rice. Some of these benefits include:


Toughening your hands. As mentioned above, putting your hands in rice can help to toughen your hands and make them more resistant to pain. This can be helpful for people who do a lot of manual labor or who are involved in sports that require a lot of punching.

Improving your grip. Rice can also help to improve your grip. This is because the rice will help to exfoliate your skin and callous your hands. This will make your hands more resistant to slipping and will also help you to grip objects more tightly.

Relieving pain. If you have any pain in your hands, putting them in rice can help to relieve the pain. This is because the rice will help to cool your hands and will also help to reduce inflammation.

Improving circulation. Rice can also help to improve circulation in your hands. This is because the rice will help to exfoliate your skin and callous your hands. This will make your hands more resistant to swelling and will also help to improve the flow of blood to your hands.


How to Do It


To put your hands in rice, simply fill a bowl or bucket with rice and submerge your hands in it for several minutes. You can do this several times a day, or even just once a day.


Here are a few tips for putting your hands in rice:


Use warm or cold rice. Some people prefer to use warm rice, while others prefer to use cold rice. There is no right or wrong answer, so experiment and see what works best for you.

Use a variety of rice. You can use any type of rice for this, but some people prefer to use brown rice or basmati rice. Again, there is no right or wrong answer, so experiment and see what works best for you.

Don’t soak your hands for too long. Soaking your hands in rice for too long can actually make them more sensitive to pain. So, it’s important to find a balance between toughening your hands and making them more sensitive.

Dry your hands thoroughly. After you’ve soaked your hands in rice, it’s important to dry them thoroughly. This will help to prevent the rice from getting into your cuts and wounds.




Putting your hands in rice is a simple way to toughen your hands and make them more resistant to pain. There are a number of benefits to doing this, including improved grip, pain relief, and improved circulation. So, if you’re looking for a way to toughen your hands, give this a try.

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